Sunday School update…

Today, Dec 22, 2013, in Sunday School, we talked about our appropriate response to Jesus’ first coming. As we celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus, we discussed the idea that he did not stay in the manger.  It’s ok to celebrate the birth, but we should...

The truth is out there…

What is truth?  Is there such a thing as absolute truth or is every “truth” relative to perspective or some other factor?  What is it that defines what is truth? In this post, I will talk a little about truth and opinion.  I really expect that this article...

The Great Apostasy as Foretold

Back in March of 2013, before I had created this blog, I wrote a rather long post about some things that WILL come to pass before Christ returns to take us home.  This post is written primarily to and for Christians, but it got quite a bit of feedback from a couple of...